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Web site POLICY




Attention: by continuing to browse following the appearance of the banner, during your first visit to the website, you give the owner company consent to the collection of cookies, as better specified in this statement.


Cookies are small text strings that the sites visited by the user send to the browser of his own terminal, where they are stored and then transmitted again to the same sites the next time the same user visits. While browsing a site, the user may also receive cookies on his terminal that are sent by different sites or web servers (so-called "third parties"), on which may reside some elements of the site that he is visiting.

The site uses cookies for the following purposes and in accordance with the provisions of art. 122 paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, as amended by Presidential Decree 101/2018. The text of the article is shown below.


Art. 122 - Information collected with regard to the contractor or the user

  1. The storage of information in the terminal equipment of a contracting party or user or access to information already stored is only permitted if the contracting party or user has given his or her consent after having been informed in a simplified manner. This shall not preclude any technical storage of or access to information already stored for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the contractor or user to provide such a service.

  2. ​

For the purposes of determining the simplified procedures referred to in the first sentence, the Guarantor also takes into account the proposals made by the most representative national associations of consumers and economic categories involved, also in order to ensure the use of methodologies that ensure the effective awareness of the contractor or user.

  1. For the purpose of expressing the consent referred to in paragraph 1, specific configurations of computer programs or devices that are easy and clear to use for the contractor or user may be used. 2-bis. Without prejudice to paragraph 1, the use of an electronic communications network to access information stored in the terminal equipment of a contractor or user, to store information or to monitor user operations shall be prohibited.

Technical cookies are not used for purposes other than those indicated in paragraph 1 of Article. 122 and are normally installed directly by the owner or operator of the website. They can be divided into navigation or session cookies, which guarantee normal navigation and use of the website (allowing, for example, to make a purchase or authenticate to access reserved areas); cookie analytics, similar to technical cookies when used directly by the operator of the site to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site itself; function cookies, which allow the user to navigate according to a series of criteria selected (for example, language, products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service provided to the same.




Navigation technician/session


ce_cookie (Verificare se il nome corrisponde)


Stores whether the user has given consent to the use of cookies


All pages


(Termine da impostare da parte del gestore del sito e indicare)


Profiling cookies: these are designed to create user profiles and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user when surfing the web. The Website does not directly collect the type of profiling cookies.

Third Party Cookies: These cookies allow you to create an anonymous profile of users based on their browsing experience on this and all other sites. These cookies are not managed by our company. The site also uses social networking plug-in cookies from different third parties. This allows you to share your site content on certain social networks. These plug-ins also make the site easier to use. The use of data collected by third parties through social networking plug-ins is determined exclusively by the third party in question. The company is not able to access these cookies and third parties are not able to access company cookies. The privacy policy of third parties is present in the respective sites that are independent of the management policies of the company (even in the hypothesis of cookies collected through social network plug-ins).


Learn more about the use of cookies:

You can have your PC warn you each time a cookie is sent, or you can choose to have all cookies deactivated. You can do this via your browser settings. As each browser has slightly different functions, please check the "help" menu of your browser to find out how to change your cookie settings correctly.

You can then change your browser settings so that cookies are deleted or not stored on your computer or mobile device without your explicit consent.

At the following links you can better understand how to set up your browser:

Internet Explorer:

Mozilla Firefox:

Google Chrome:




If you disable cookies, you will not have access to some features that make this site more efficient (e.g. settings on the "language" chosen for navigation) and some of our services may not function properly.


Agricultural company “San Bartolomeo”




Information for users and customers 
(of Article 13, EU Reg. 2016/679 "GDPR")
The Podere San Bartolomeo, with respect to the provisions of Article 13 GDPR, informs you on the processing of personal data that may be provided by you in order to allow the management of services offered on the web platform, including the sale of our products and requested by you.


The Data Controller is “Podere San Bartolomeo”, simply agricultural company, with registered office in Santa Luce (PI), part of Pastina cap 56040, Via San Bartolomeo 19. The legal representative is Miss Spinelli Simona, VAT number 01965360504.

Contact Details:

The provision of personal data is necessary in relation to the performance of services offered by the web platform, including the contract for the purchase of company products, once these services are requested by the user.

Any refusal to provide the data indicated as mandatory in the forms on the platform, will not allow the completion of the services requested.

The processing of data may be implemented for the fulfillment of obligations of applicable laws or regulations, or by provisions from the competent authorities / supervisory and control bodies.

The data will be processed in the manner provided by the Reg, EU 679/2016 and Dlg. 196/2003 as amended by DPR 101/2018.

Based on the type of services required, further regulatory bases are constituted by the Consumer Code as well as the rules of the Civil Code on contracts and other legal provisions expressly dedicated to the management and provision of services on the digital platform and in the web environment.

The data processing:

  • is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR by means of electronic or automated systems, including the use of electronic and telematic transmission tools such as faxes and e-mails

  • The data may be stored either in electronic and/or paper format in archives held at the seat of the owner or in the cloud, with transfer to third parties identified as data controllers.


The data may be comunicated – for the performance of the functions indicated in the conferral and purpose section – to other subjects, such as:

  • consultants of the Owner who assist the Company in the performance of activities related to the management of services offered by the platform and that, due to the nature of the task performed, may be qualified as co-owners;

  • external data processors of any data designated;

  • authorised delegates or persons in charge of processing, identified by the company.

It should also be noted that:

  • The data are not subject to disclosure to third parties except as indicated in the preceding paragraphs;

  • the data may be transferred to European countries by the co-owners and data processors indicated only for the purposes described in this document.


The data will be kept for the time necessary to carry out the requested service and, once the service has been carried out, for the prescriptive terms provided for by law in relation to the individual type of service.


In accordance with the provisions of art. 15 et seq. of EU Regulation 679/2016, you may exercise the following rights by sending an e-mail to the Data Controller at the following address:

  • Right of access: You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not your personal data is being processed and to receive any information relating to such processing;

  • Right to rectification: You have the right to have your personal data rectified if it is incomplete or inaccurate;

  • Right to cancellation: You have the right to obtain the cancellation of your personal data in the cases provided for by art. 17 of the Regulation;

  • Right to limitation of processing: if certain conditions are met, you have the right to obtain limitation of processing in the cases provided for in Article 18 of the Regulation;

  • Right to portability: You have the right to obtain the transfer of your personal data in favor of a different Holder

  • Right to lodge a complaint with the Control Authority: You may lodge a complaint in the event of refusal by the Data Controller to comply with requests concerning the rights recognised by the Regulation by contacting the Guarantor Authority for the processing of personal data directly (



The Data Controller

Agricultural Company “Podere San Bartolomeo”




Introductory information on the terms of use of this site

This site is created by the San Bartolomeo Agricultural Company with registered office in Santa Luce (PI) in order to present the company's activities and also offer for sale products and services of the company itself.

By using our website, you unconditionally accept the following general conditions of use.

The information contained on our websites is not intended for, nor approved for use within the United States of America, for U.S. citizens or for persons residing in the U.S., if it belongs to this category of user please contact the Company directly at the e-mail address

Legal information


The pages of this site are protected by copyright. In particular, in accordance with Law 633/1941 (Copyright Law), the content of the sites is protected against duplication, translation, insertion or transformation into other media, including insertion or transformation by electronic means. The reproduction and economic exploitation of all or part of the content of this site are permitted only with the written consent of the company San Bartolomeo. Both the content and the structure of the site are protected by copyright. In particular, the duplication of information or data, the use of texts or part of them or images contained in the site (with the exception of photos of the company San Bartolomeo for printing) is permitted only with the prior written consent of the company San Bartolomeo.
Illustrations are also protected by copyright in accordance with Article 1 of Law 633/1941. The right of publication and reproduction of these drawings is owned by Podere San Bartolomeo. The copyright on the drawings remains in force even for drawings that are automatically or manually added to an archive.
Company photographs intended for printing may be used by the press for editorial purposes only. All reproductions, retransmissions, modifications or uses of the photos contained on this site for journalistic purposes must be accompanied by the following wording:

Copyright © (2018) Podere San Bartolomeo. All rights reserved.

Reproduction for the above purposes is free of charge, but the company requires a copy for its archives.


The company trademark and the names of the products presented on this site may be registered or authorised for use in favour of Azienda Podere San Bartolomeo and are protected by the law on trademarks (Legislative Decree 30/2005 and subsequent amendments) and by the rules on unfair competition.


a) This site may contain links to other sites not belonging to Podere San Bartolomeo. Please note that the content of such sites can not be controlled by the company and therefore Podere San Bartolomeo will not be responsible for the consequences arising from the use of the same. It is understood that the link does not imply any endorsement by Podere San Bartolomeo of the content of such sites to which a link is provided. This is for the sole purpose of facilitating your browsing on the Internet.

In particular, Podere San Bartolomeo is not responsible for any violation of the law or of the rights of third parties deriving from the content of the sites cited.
b) Only the third party owners of the sites for which the Podere San Bartolomeo site provides a link, will be responsible for the content of these sites as well as the online sale of products and the related conditions of sale, management of orders and / or consequences arising from the purchase of such products.

c) Podere San Bartolomeo is not responsible for any violation of copyright, trademark or right to privacy resulting from access to a site linked to this site.

d) In the case of orders or other statements having legal value with regard to a transaction, the contract will come into force only between the user of the site and its owner or operator, however, under no circumstances, between the company Podere San Bartolomeo and the user. For this purpose, please consult the specific conditions of sale on the linked site.

Società Agricola Podere San Bartolomeo is responsible for damages deriving from the use of this site exclusively in case of fraud or gross negligence. This does not imply any limitation of liability on the part of the company with regard to the liability of the producer or the relative guarantees provided on the products. These limitations of liability do not apply even in the event of danger to life, personal injury or damage to health.
The Podere San Bartolomeo company constantly develops its own technology in order to keep its website free of viruses. However, it is not able to guarantee that it actually is. For this reason, we recommend that you take the utmost care and provide adequate protection against viruses on your device.
Podere San Bartolomeo does not guarantee the absence of errors and the availability of the services offered on this site.

Company products are available through the website for online sale. This website is intended for consumers resident or domiciled in the European Union only. The product descriptions on this website are for information purposes only and do not imply that such products and brands are available outside the European Union.

6. Creation of links to the site by third parties.
If you wish to create a link to this site, you must send a request by e-mail to in which to indicate: (a) the data relating to the person esponsible for the technical aspects of managing the links; (b) the data of the requesting company; (c) the indication of the web address of the site where the link to this site will be created.
Podere San Bartolomeo reserves the right to evaluate the requests received by sending appropriate feedback. If the company does not reply within 30 days from receipt of the same, the request must be considered rejected.
Otherwise it is not allowed to create links to this site. Any contrary behaviour will be prosecuted in accordance with the regulations in force.

These general conditions of use are governed in accordance with the laws in force in Italy without taking into account the International Convention on Contracts for the Sale of Products whose application is expressly excluded from these conditions of use. In the event of disputes, the competent court is that of Pisa. The modification of one or more clauses of these general conditions of use, does not imply the validity of the other clauses.


Agricultural Company “Podere San Bartolomeo”

PODERE SAN BARTOLOMEO©. Proudly created with

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